Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Don't let your brain turn to mush!

A recent study of over 3000 subjects found that average American watches four (4)  hours of television per day. [expect similar habits for Australians]  

Comprehensive testing involving problem solving and creative associative activities, showed a direct relationship between watching more than one standard hour of television and reduced cognition. For each additional hour watched per day, a direct correlation of measurably reduced cognitive functions.
Simply, the more television one watches, the less ability to learn, plan, assess and solve one maintains. 

As an inverse correlation, the study found that subjects multi-tasking, ie reading, doing crossword puzzles or sudoku puzzles, while watching television, actually increased their cognitive functions.

The study also noted that the more hours per day reported as having engaged in face-to-face socialising, [excluding internet faux-socialising like FB, Twitter etc. which fire the same scant neurons as watching television], the greater the increase in cognitive functions, especially in language skills, mathematical problem-solving, empathetic communication and external awareness.

So, cut back on the idiot-box, challenge yourself to do a couple puzzles, and visit with real live people!
