Saturday, October 30, 2010

WEIGHT LOSS HINTS Try one. Try them all. When trying something, keep doing it for a month. It takes 21 days to create a habit. That’s why kickstart and 2-week fad diets don’t work. Remember, you didn’t get the innertube around your middle in two weeks. It took a lot of time and practice to get it there.

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Hint 7
·       Exercise.  A lot.

·       If you’re over 20 yrs old, do a few stretches before starting an exercise session. If you don’t and you pull a muscle, even a little one, it will put you off exercising. So make your exercise activities pleasurable and rewarding, not painful.

·       Set aside “me time” for your exercise. If it’s scheduled in your diary, you’ll find it easier to ‘just do it’ without interruptions and procrastinations. Close the door to your workout area, ask the kids/family to leave you alone. Put in the earphones and listen to your favourite music or an audio book. The public libraries have wide varieties of music CDs and audio books, everything from fiction to teach yourself something new. Why not exercise your brain while you exercise your body. It doesn’t matter if you choose a Harlequin Romance to zone out while you’re on the treadmill, or choose to learn to speak Japanese or build your vocabulary. Your exercising sessions will be more pleasant. And your brain absorbs more information when you’re active. Ever try to teach a classroom full of kids that can’t sit still?

·       Focus on your physical activity: when you exercise, ie going to the gym or the local swimming pool: do a bit more each time. Start with a plan to do 5% more each time, that is work out 5% longer, 5% faster; add 5% more weights each session; do 5% more reps;  walk 5% further on the walk. Then, make that your benchmark, and next time add another 5%.

·       When you exercise hard, you’ll feel warm, burning off calories/kilojoules from fat cells.

·        When you exercise hard, you feel energised. That’s the increase in metabolism. Your body turning fat cells back into energy.

·       When you eat sensibly and exercise hard, your body uses up those fat cells stored over past years, and your body does not store any more.

·       When you exercise hard for a combined total of 30 minutes every day, you can re-shape your body. Especially the hips, backside and the tummy.

·       When you exercise hard, other aspects of your health become stronger: you strengthen your immune system, your heart becomes stronger, and your brain receives more of the serotonin and dopamine and acetylcholine which enhance your memory, thinking processes and emotional stability.

·       Unplug the T.V.

·       If you have to, I mean ‘ya just hafta’ watch a favourite T.V. show, remember: Most T.V. programs are ‘no-brainers’ designed for entertainment. [they call it the idiot box don’t they?] Watch your program standing up. Or do it sitting on the floor. Make sure you’re stretching, doing push-ups, sit-ups, knee-lifts, toe-touching, bending at the waist. Just keep moving. I know people who have exercise bicycles and treadmills in their lounge. How many kilometres can you cycle or walk during an hour of C.S.I.?

·       If you sit as still as a couch potato, your metabolism will slow down and turn your dinner into fat. Every night.

·        Go play golf, take up swimming, surfing, Tae KwonDo, ballroom dancing. Do lots of anything that makes your heart rate go up, increases your breathing, and stimulates your circulation. [yes, even that activity which you are now thinking about.]

·       This is an old hint, repeated by everybody: Park your car far away from the front door of the supermarket or office or mall. Walk. Walk. Walk. How easy is that?  And yes, there is an added benefit: people who drive around in circles for 5 minutes trying to find the closest carpark, get stressed out. Then they hop out, thinking that they’re running late from all the driving around, and they rush, keeping those stress levels up, running on adrenalin and cortosol. [Epinephrine (also known as adrenaline/adrenalin) is a hormone and neurotransmitter. It increases heart rate, contracts blood vessels, dilates air passages and participates in the fight-or-flight response of the sympathetic nervous system. Cortisol, also known as hydrocortisone, is a steroid hormone or glucocorticoid produced by the adrenal gland. It is released in response to stress, and to a low level of blood glucocorticoids. Its primary functions are to increase blood sugar through gluconeogenesis, suppress the immune system and it also decreases bone formation]

·       If you take the far carpark, you don’t have much competition, nor stress. When you walk for the 2 or 3 minutes to get to the front doors of the shops, you’ve had a nice chat with yourself or whomever is with you, and you’ve had a chance to look around at the trees/flowers/birds/cars/stressed-out people rushing around. And your stress will be low. And you’re burning off calories.

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WEIGHT LOSS HINTS Try one. Try them all. When trying something, keep doing it for a month. It takes 21 days to create a habit. That’s why kickstart and 2-week fad diets don’t work. Remember, you didn’t get the innertube around your middle in two weeks. It took a lot of time and practice to get it there.

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Hint 6
·       Water.  Drink lots of it.   Aim for 3 litres [quarts] a day. That’s 6 tall glasses. As mentioned previously, drink a big glass of water with a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice every morning to stimulate the metabolism and aid the flushing of toxins and waste products from your body. This is mentioned in lots of ‘Detox’ books.

·       If you’re drinking lots of water throughout the day, you won’t have the urge to grab a sugary coke/pepsi/sprite/sarsaparilla or even worse, a caffeine soda. If you’re drinking water throughout the day, you won’t suffer from the dehydration caused by the air conditioning or heating in the office or workplace. Dehydration can cause, slightly or seriously, muscle cramps, fuzzy thinking, fatigue, increased heart rate, light-headedness, lack of alertness,  nausea, and if it’s really serious, like being stranded in a desert, organ failure, coma and death.

·       Drinking a tall glass or a sports bottle of cool/cold water right before a good workout in the gym or a good run, will cause your metabolism to increase, and burn off more calories.  Much better than room-temperature water. And avoid coffee & tea before exercising.

·       Drinking a big glass of water before a meal will make you feel a bit more full, and you’ll not want to eat as much.  *There are two schools of thought about water in the stomach with food: a) water helps dissolve, breakdown and digest the food, or b) water dilutes your stomach acid which could hinder digestion.  More research coming soon, I’m sure. Will keep you posted.

·       If you drink more water, you’ll sweat more, and more sweat is less smelly than less sweat. It’s a flushing system. If you drink more water, you’ll urinate more, and flush more toxins and waste by-products out of your body.

·       Ladies, if you drink more water, your skin will have less chance to dry out. Or wrinkle. You might save money, buying less moisturising cream. 

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WEIGHT LOSS HINTS Try one. Try them all. When trying something, keep doing it for a month. It takes 21 days to create a habit. That’s why kickstart and 2-week fad diets don’t work. Remember, you didn’t get the innertube around your middle in two weeks. It took a lot of time and practice to get it there.

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Hint 5
·       Read Dr Phil’s book The Ultimate Weight Solution: The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom. It’s pretty straight-forward, no-nonsense, almost home-spun logic. But a lot of his ideas make sense.  It’s also on CD & MP3 if you want to enjoy listening to a good ol’ Texan drawl.

·       Read books and websites on health and weight loss. Pick out any hints that resonate with you. Ignore anything that sounds magical or anything which requires your credit card to learn their “secret.”  In the late ‘80s there was a company selling tablets that were guaranteed to “melt the lbs. away.”  The main ingredient on the label was “citri-paradiso” which I found out quickly was the Latin word for “grapefruit.”  Would’ve been tastier, cheaper and better for her health that the client would’ve bought a month’s supply of real fresh grapefruits.
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WEIGHT LOSS HINTS Try one. Try them all. When trying something, keep doing it for a month. It takes 21 days to create a habit. That’s why kickstart and 2-week fad diets don’t work. Remember, you didn’t get the innertube around your middle in two weeks. It took a lot of time and practice to get it there.

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Hint 4
            A few neat things to eat just for a change. *
·       Grilled Veggies - A plate of grilled vegetables is a perfect summertime food. Side dishes to shish ka-bobs, it's a cheap, easy and delicious way to eat healthy. Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, veggies are a great replacement for the salty grease fat you're used to. Bell peppers, zucchini, eggplant, onions, tomatoes, asparagus, the list goes on and on.

·       Grilled Chicken - High in protein, low in fat, you can't go wrong with grilled chicken. Protein keeps your blood sugar steady, dulls your hunger and helps build muscle. There are millions of recipes involving chicken that you can work into your "diet" (we hate that word).

·       Salads - A quick, healthy meal that requires no cooking. Add whatever you want: greens, fruits, veggies, low-fat cheese, grilled chicken - and there are plenty of low-fat salad dressings out there that don't taste like paint. You could always use lemon juice if you don't have any dressing handy as well.

·       Beans - Find a kind you like and learn to love them. Beans are chock full of protein, fiber and iron, three essential ingredients in maintaining good health. We don't think we need to remind you of the heart and digestive benefits...

·       Green Tea - Some people like it, some don't. But if you do, this natural weight-loss stimulant is a great way to help trim down. It's rich in antioxidants, promotes heart health, aids digestion and regulates blood sugar. It raises the metabolic rate and speeds up fat oxidation, which means you'll burn off those bicuits, cakes and chocolate bars that much faster. The more, the merrier; Drink it daily to boost your metabolism.

·       Grapefruit - The perfect breakfast and a great way to drop some pounds. A 2004 study at the Scripps Clinic in La Jolla, California found that eating half a grapefruit before a meal can actually help boost your metabolic rate. Grapefruit also contains cancer-fighting compounds, which are great if you're looking to avoid an agonizing death.

·       Watermelon - Who doesn't love watermelon in the summertime? Squeeze a lime over a slice for a sour punch. Sounds weird, tastes weird, but it's awesome, it's filling and it's mostly water.

·       Low-calorie drinks - Drinking calories in super sweetened soft drinks each day makes your other weight-loss efforts basically useless. Junk drinks found in the local convenience store are an easy way to undo the progress you've made. Stick to water or low-calorie sport drinks that will replenish what you need instead of filling you up with things you don't.

·       Sardines - Sardines are loaded with protein, and they're a great source of omega-3s, which not only strengthen the cardiovascular system but also are helpful in boosting serotonin levels (the stuff in our brains that make us feel happy). When you're in a good mood, you're bound to gravitate away from comfort foods that are often used to replace happiness. Sardines are cheap, easy to find and very low on the food chain, which means they're free of contaminants such as mercury and heavy metals found in other fish. Just make sure you've got some breath mints handy (tic tac's are only 1 calorie each).

·       Egg Whites - It may be hard to get over the embarrassment of being the guy who orders egg whites at the restaurant, but it's even more embarrassing to be the fattest guy in the place. They're a great, low-fat way to get a massive dose of protein in the morning to help build muscle. Great as a pre-workout meal.
[*I apologise. I’ve lost the website address in which I read the above. If I can find it, or someone will remind me, I will happily give the original author his/her credit.]

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WEIGHT LOSS HINTS Try one. Try them all. When trying something, keep doing it for a month. It takes 21 days to create a habit. That’s why kickstart and 2-week fad diets don’t work. Remember, you didn’t get the innertube around your middle in two weeks. It took a lot of time and practice to get it there.

Hint 3
·       Cut down on carbohydrates. Way down. Carbs convert to sugars and if not used as energy for your body, they’re stored as—you guessed it—fat cells.

·       One woman advised that she changed nothing in her life except that she cut out all carbohydrates after lunch. No pastas, no breads, no potatoes or potato products like chips, no starchy foods after 12noon. She thinned down to incredible! The logic was that in the morning, carbohydrates taken in are used for activity throughout the day. But late in the day, carbohydrates aren’t used up, especially after dinner when most people sit. Sit in front of the T.V.

·       Cut down on proteins. A bit of red meat is good for you. Too much sits in the gut and doesn’t digest well. In a culture where dinner has lots of meat, we rub our tummies and have no ambition to move much while our bodies use a lot of resources to try to break down the meat. So we sit. Sit in front of the T.V.

·       Cut down on sugars. Your body will convert sugars to energy if you’re working or exercising. But if you’re not overly active, your body stores the sugars as fat. Sugars, syrups, candy, chocolates, ice creams, etc. all can give you a bit of a sugar-rush. But then you can crash. Do you ever start dragging about the middle of the workday? Do you ever feel you need to just have a nap at 4pm every afternoon.  The fructose in fruits, is slower on the uptake, but longer for endurance energy throughout the day.

·       Substitute a tiny drop of honey in your tea or coffee until you wean yourself from sweets.

·       Substitute carrot sticks or any raw vegetables, apples or any fruit for snacks when you crave candy bars or cookies /biscuits. You can train yourself to go to the fridge for a snack instead of going to the pantry.

·       Recently there has been a lot of research done which indicates that [some? many? most? all?] cancer cells thrive on sugars in the body. Cutting down on the sugars can cut down your risk of getting cancer.

·       Ounce for ounce, dark chocolate has five times as many antioxidants as blueberries. Dark chocolate is a good choice for an occasional dessert. Especially if you mix it with blueberries!

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WEIGHT LOSS HINTS Try one. Try them all. When trying something, keep doing it for a month. It takes 21 days to create a habit. That’s why kickstart and 2-week fad diets don’t work. Remember, you didn’t get the innertube around your middle in two weeks. It took a lot of time and practice to get it there.

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Hint 2
·       Choose brightly and deeply coloured vegetables: red yellow & green capsicums, deep green spinach & broccoli, orange carrots and pumpkins, red tomatoes. If a veggie is pale, there may be lots of fibre, but probably not much nutrition.

·       Choose fresh veggies rather than tins of pre-cooked soggy mush that has had all the nutrients cooked out of them.

·       Best is fresh raw and crunchy.  Carrot sticks, celery sticks, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, all make great snacks when you get the munchies.

·       Farmers markets usually get produce direct to you faster and fresher than supermarkets. Sometimes they’re even cheaper, sometimes they have a better range of organic produce, without the pesticides and fake fertilizers.

·       Second best, if you need hot veggies with your evening meal, is lightly steamed. A double-boiler with a steamer basket is ok. A bamboo steamer is ok. The simplest, easiest way to do a quick steam is microwave plastic bags, with instructions and timings printed right on them. Remember: under-cooked is better than over-cooked. And the worst thing you can do is cook veggies in a pan of water and throw the water away after all the nutrients have boiled out of the veggies.

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WEIGHTLOSS HINTS Try one, try them all. When trying something, keep doing it for a month. It takes 21 days to create a habit. That’s why kickstart and 2-week fad diets don’t work. Remember, you didn’t get the innertube around your middle in two weeks. It took a lot of time and practice to get it there.

Hint 1
·       Sometimes it’s not the weight you should worry about. It’s the shape. Slim & trim, shapely & lean, solid and fit. Most of the time it’s not the weight it’s the fat that’s stored around your body like one of those sumo-wrestler suits.

·       Get yourself a juicer or a blender or a mix-master. Size, shape, colour or brand name doesn’t matter. What matters is you need to put fruit in it every morning and push the button. Make yourself a fruit drink. Buy fresh fruit, whatever is in season. No need to ever make the same combination two days in a row.  Added benefit is that you’re getting real fibre, decent vitamins and minerals, as well as anti-oxidants to boost your overall health: physical and mental.

·       Citrus is good. Fresh squeezed lemon juice in a glass of water before exercising is reputed to stimulate metabolism. Same for fresh squeezed grapefruit juice, and to a lesser extent, orange juice. Better yet, eat a whole grapefruit or whole orange, pulp and all.  Citrus fruits help balance out the PH in your body. Skipping the technical language, I was told: “visualise the citric acid, dissolving fat deposits.” On a personal note, every spring when my grapefruit, orange and mandarin trees have ripe fruit, I manage to automatically lose the 3 or 4 kilos [that I have gained over the winter,] without changing anything other than eating lots of fresh juicy citrus fruits.

·       Beware: some cheap bottled orange juice in the supermarket can be made from artificial flavouring and lots of sugar.  There’s not much of a health benefit from drinking orange flavoured cordial.

·       Good idea: add vegetables to your juice.  You’ve heard of V-8 juice? Hint: it boasts that it contains 8 veggies. You’ve heard of carrot juice, wheatgrass juice, tomato juice.

·       Add a bit of cinnamon to your fruit drink, add a bit of cayenne pepper to your vegetable drink. Both of these spices are reputed to stimulate metabolism. Metabolism is what burns off fat.  Ie if you have slow or low metabolism, your body doesn’t burn off the calories from your food intake. Your body stores the excess calories by changing them into fat…. For later…. And later never comes.

·       Massively important hint: Slowly sip your fresh fruit/fresh vegetable juice, to allow your saliva to mix with it. This helps digestion, so you get the most out of the nutrients in the fruit/vegetables.

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