Friday, October 25, 2013

Rewiring Your Brain to Be Happier – 6 Steps

By Lisa Franchi on October 24, 2013

Don’t blame yourself for seeing the glass ‘half empty’ rather than ‘half full’. A large body of research tells us that our brain is hardwired to think negatively. Scientists call it the “negativity bias”. That’s why we find it hard to forget negative events. For example, if you had experienced being bitten by a dog when you were still a child, chances are, you have developed fear of dogs from that day until the present. Maybe you couldn’t recall how many ‘happy’ birthdays you had but you can clearly remember your nth  birthday when you cried all day because no one has remembered it or your family wasn’t there to celebrate with you.
Our strong attachment to negative memories was a product of evolution. Back in the days, our ancestors focused more on the negative at the expense of the positive for one purpose – self-preservation. Here’s the thing – if they keep an eye to the wonderful scenery rather than the predators in the forest, they will become the prey. So they had to stay alert day and night against potential threats.
But in the present world, we need not focus too much on the negative as we are not much vulnerable to physical danger all the time. Learning to be optimistic is also important for a healthier and happier life. But how do you train your brain to favour happiness? Here’s how:
Let the positive experiences linger. No matter how small and ‘insignificant’ they may seem to you, the positive moments you encounter each day, such as the warm water touching your screen as you take a bath, the bitter-sweet smell of your morning coffee, the sweet scent of your perfume, the beautiful roses you pass by on your way to work, the smile from a stranger, and the pleasant remark from your boss – all these can have a significant impact on changing your perspective. Be mindful of the positive experiences you encounter. Feel them, savour them, and let them linger. By lingering on them for longer, you are effectively ‘wiring’ happiness on your brain.
Balance negative thoughts with positive ones. Try to focus more on positive experiences that bring the greatest impact on you. For example, if you are scared about the possibility of getting cancer because you had a few relatives who had struggled with the disease, look for things that give you a sense of security and wellness, like joining a fitness programme or improving your eating habits. If you tend to worry about work-related issues, ‘turn on’ the happiness network in your brain by doing things that improve your skills and give you more confidence.
Try something new. When was the last time you travelled? Experiencing moments as fresh and new allows them to stick to your brain for longer. Keeping a sense of ‘wonder’ can really improve your happiness levels and make your brain less likely to cling to negative thoughts.
Pay more attention. No matter how wonderful the sight is in front of you, you won’t get to enjoy it completely if you don’t pay attention. There’s a great deal of research suggesting that mindfulness, or the focused awareness on the present moment, is perhaps the greatest tool in literally rewiring the brain for happiness. For instance, researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital at Harvard Medical School found that participants who went through an 8-week mindfulness programme showed measurable changes in the grey matter, particularly in the hippocampus – the part of the brain involved in the regulation of emotion, arousal, and responsiveness. Mindfulness can be cultivated through meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, and the like.
Be with happy people. In 2008, scientists from the Harvard Medical School and the University of California, San Diego showed that happiness spreads through social networks, like some sort of a virus. Meaning, the happiness a person feels can spread to others, even to those he or she has never met. By increasing your interaction with optimistic, happy individuals, you are teaching yourself to be happier as well.
Show a little kindness. Receiving a reward, support or help can certainly make you happy. But did you know being the one who gives is more satisfying and fulfilling? Our social norms suggest that accomplishments, money, and possessions are the key to happiness. Whilst these things create a sudden increase in our well-being, their effects are only temporary. In the study led by Professor Michael Norton of Harvard Business School, participants who spent money on others felt significantly happier than those who spent money on themselves. One reason why practising compassion makes us happy is that it broadens our perspective beyond ourselves. For years, psychologists have known that anxiety and depression, which undermine happiness, are common among highly self-focused individuals. Furthermore, compassionate individuals are well-loved and admired by others. This means they have stronger, larger social support which in turn increases their happiness levels.
Just because you are feeling down today doesn’t mean you are going to feel that way forever. By lingering on small positive encounters, focusing on positive experiences that bring the greatest personal impact, trying something new, being mindful, interacting with optimistic individuals, and showing a little kindness, you can rewire your brain to focus more on happiness!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Innovation of All Things Starts With the Mind

Innovation of all things starts with the mind

The relationship between the mind and the body is very intimate.  When one is affected, the other sympathizes. A mere thought can significantly alter the chemistry of the body. In fact, many diseases are the result of mental depression. Anxiety, bitterness, discontentment, distrust, grief, remorse, guilt and unforgiveness, all tend to break down the life forces. Under these conditions, creativity and innovation are stifled and solutions are always out of reach.

Disease is sometimes produced and can be greatly aggravated by the imagination. Many who are invalids could be well if they only thought so. Some imagine that every slight exposure or injury will debilitate, and the feared effect is produced because it is expected. Some people die from disease, the cause of which is wholly imaginary.

Now courage, hope, faith, sympathy and love promote health and prolong life.  A contented mind and a cheerful spirit stimulate innovative thought.

Depression can be caused by physical interference such as toxic contamination, structural problems, protein or fatty acid deficiency or consistent violations of the basic laws of health. However, depression is more often the result of unresolved anger where the mind is focused on the thorns rather than the roses around one’s life. Under these conditions the creative part of the brain cannot function. Innovation is impossible.

On the other hand happiness is a state of mind achieved through consistent focus on the roses, rather than the thorns. Happy people see the best in others. They see crises as challenges and they thrive on creating solutions. They appreciate trials because they understand how effective trials can be in developing and refining character.

When these thought processes evolve during he early years of life, they initiate permanent changes in body chemistry. Those who have trained their minds in such a way will experience higher levels of dopamine and serotonin throughout their lives. Dopamine increases motivation, innovation and drive, and is associated with the pleasure systems of the brain. Visionaries, entrepreneurs and philanthropists enjoy consistently high levels of this hormone. Serotonin in a neurotransmitter produced in the brain, know to influence the functioning of the cardiovascular, renal, immune and gastrointestinal systems. It is also known as the ‘happy hormone’ because it affects various brain functions, regulating moods, thoughts, appetite, libido and the sleep/wake cycle. When the mind is trained to produce the thoughts that promote higher levels of dopamine and serotonin, it is not unusual to wake up every morning with new ideas streaming from the head.

Chronic self-focus at an early age can hinder the development of s superior dopamine/serotonin metabolism. However, thought patterns can be changed at any age. Change requires ‘decision’ to permanently adjust one’s focus. It may require moving on, letting go, forgiving, etc. It requires willpower and perseverance. It is like a flabby, unfit person deciding to get fit and build muscle. The first exercises really hurt, but the more training performed, the easier it gets. The mind is like a muscle. When someone who is accustomed to ‘stinking thinking’ decides to change, it is not easy.  The art of positive thinking needs to be deliberately exercised daily until it becomes spontaneous.

If the will is kept awake and properly directed, it will impart energy to the whole system and it will be a tremendous aid in the maintenance of health. It is a power also in dealing with disease. It can control the imagination and be a potent means of resisting and overcoming disease of both mind and body. Every person has the power ‘to will’ to be happy, but the key to true happiness is found in ‘the will’ to bless others. A laugh, an embrace, a kind favour, a prayer, an encouraging word, a warm smile - these all result in the production of endorphins in both the giver and the receiver. This is another chemical that makes one feel good. Endorphins produce a sense of well being by dilating the entire vascular system, increasing oxygen supply to the extreme parts of the body and enhancing the elimination of waste. People who get excited about things usually experience better health, regular creativity and a longer life. It is said that laughter is the best medicine because it stimulates the pituitary gland and promotes high excretions of endorphins.

Anger, bitterness, discontent, guilt and remorse often cause break down of the life forces and cause serious ailments.  Through a series of powerful physical therapies, nurture, emotional counselling and lifestyle education, health can be restored.  With the implementation of firm resolutions to deal with issues and move on, it is indeed possible to change the thought patterns to overcome ‘stinking thinking’, to forgive, to accept, to bless others, and thereby sweeten the entire chemistry of the body. When this happens, innovation becomes a natural daily phenomenon.

By Gary Martin ND.AFIAM

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Creative You: Confronting Fears

The Creative You: Confronting Fears



“Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves.”
Carol Pearson – author, leadership coach

In the natural world there are many situations that arouse irrational fears – of being alone in a wild place, of dark places, of wild animals, or of open spaces. Acquiring knowledge that leads to understanding will rationalise the irrational.

By extension, fear of presenting creative work to be criticised can also be overcome. Confronting the object of fear may not only neutralise the fear, it will open doors to exciting new worlds.

Photograph: The highly venomous rough-scaled snake snakes are only dangerous to man if they are interfered with.. From 'The Creative You' collection unpublished.  

~Steve Parish, Australia’s foremost Nature Photographer

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Think Your Way To Good Health

Think Your Way To Good Health

The concept that thinking in a healthy manner will assist a person to have a healthier physiology is not a new one.  Far from it; it is at the heart of ancient traditions. Our bodies mirror the sum total of our thoughts and experiences as well as our genetic inheritance.

I was reminded of this fact the other day when I was chatting with an experienced masseuse therapist.  We were discussing the prevalence of back issues in the modern day world, many of which are connected with sitting too long in a bad or inappropriate postural position.

Patients will turn up for an appointment desperately searching for a fast cure for their back issues.  They want a fix and they want it fast.  Few of them are as willing to examine the why part of their problems.  They might think that they are willing but underneath the surface they perhaps have ambivalent feelings regarding this whole issue.

What do I mean by ambivalence?  They might perhaps think that there is nothing they can do to change their posture.  They might not want to stop doing something that has been putting stress upon their body.  They might not be willing to spend the time performing compensatory exercises and stretches.  They might not wish to compensate that doing something they love doing is what is causing their problems.

The tendency when a person is willing to look at issues of causation is to ask what one specific thing brought this issue about.  As this particular masseuse therapist pointed out, it is highly unlikely or almost impossible for there to be one single cause.

A combination of things will have all contributed to the current physical discomfort.  He was actually talking more in terms of purely physical causes, such as a combination of bad posture when working at the computer or playing golf without stretching first.

This made me ponder upon the fact that people are even less likely to seek to see if their might be causes in terms of thought and attitude.  And what mental changes could be set in motion to assist in a more flexible physiological experience?

Your mind and body are inevitably linked.  Mental processes have an unavoidable effect upon your body just as powerfully as physical pain has a knock on effect upon your mental state and emotional equilibrium.  You hear people say, "This pain is grinding me down", yet you rarely hear people commenting that their attitude is having any impact upon their physical health.

It is worth thinking about this interaction between mind and body and seeing what you can do to help create your best health possible, to see how you can use your mind to heal your body.  There are several ways in which you can do this.  One of the most powerful is to employ self hypnosis.

 October 2013

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis mp3 downloads for good health and happiness.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Inspiration and motivation

In case you haven't heard, yesterday [10th Sept 2013]  Diana Nyad became the first person to swim from Cuba to Key West without a shark cage.

What's even more impressive is that Ms. Nyad is 64 years old and this is the fifth time in 35 years that she has attempted this 110-mile swim through the Florida Straits, notorious for its strong currents, sharks and swarms of stinging jellyfish.

After completing the 53-hour feat, Ms. Nyad shared this,

"I have three messages...

One is we should never, ever give up.

Two is you never are too old to chase your dreams.

Three is it looks like a solitary sport but it takes a team."

These are three very important lessons for any of us.

Are there things in your practice that you have given up on? Or maybe you think you cannot find success because it has been too hard or too difficult?

One thing I have learned in my own business is that it is never too late to improve! It is never too late to find success regardless of how many times you have tried! And it is definitely never too late to chase down your dreams.

Success is a team sport! If you aren't finding the success you desire, then maybe you need to take a team approach like Diana did.

This is an inspiring story. I hope it helps you re-center and re-focus on what you really want from your practice instead of settling for less...

~~Doc Grassel

Friday, September 6, 2013

Alcohol and the development of adolescent brain

Binge drinking banner
Binge drinking, defined as more than five drinks on one occasion, has become a common and more extreme pattern of drinking among young Australians.
Recognising that adolescence is a critical period for brain development, we are conducting research into how excessive drinking affects the teenage brain. This research will be crucial to informing our alcohol licensing laws and public health advice.

About our research 
In adolescence, the brain undergoes active rewiring of circuitry that is necessary for successful development of ‘adult’ adaptive patterns of behaviour and cognitive functioning, with particular focus on the frontal lobe and its connections. Prof Lindy Rae is examining this connectivity in the brains of binge drinkers and comparing these ‘tracts’ to those from control (abstaining) participants. We are also studying the size of brain regions known to be affected by alcohol, such as the hippocampus, to see whether brain structure is altered by binge drinking.
We are using questionnaires, cognitive testing and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to look for changes in structure and connectivity as well as chemical differences in the brain.
Alcohol is thought to induce a state where the glutamate system – the major excitatory system in the brain – becomes unbalanced. We have found significant elevations in frontal lobe glutamate in boys who binge drink. Binge drinkers showed impaired neuro-cognitive function, with significantly slower responses and greater errors on the tests of inhibition and poorer emotional face recognition compared to non drinkers. These changes were positively correlated with binge drinking episodes and alcohol consumption.

Monday, September 2, 2013


reprinted by Grassel Hypnotherapy Clinic

Life is filled with learning lessons. With these lessons, we need instructions that will help us to absolute empowerment. Having easy steps to self empowerment will bring the result of absolute love of self and sense of completeness and wholeness. 

needs never to be defended or protected for there is nothing to protect only the illusionary needs protection when it feels threatened and only the ego can feel threatened.
is based on the ability to love yourself.
is the totally related to your thoughts and negative feelings, behaviour and other people’s behaviour toward you. By loving yourself totally, rejection or approval from others can never affect you.
is ceasing from making a perfect situation wrong. Because you forgot who you once were (love and perfection), you judged someone or something as bad or wrong.
is taking charge of your life and living it the way you really want, independent of how others or society says you should.
is the ability to say how you feel and think and act without feeling bad, anxious or fearful. It is the ability to be assertive in the running of your own life and overcoming timidity.
acceptance of nonacceptance     
self acceptance vs. indifference
acceptance of physical body
acceptance of your intelligence
acceptance of your emotions
acceptance of your uniqueness
acceptance of self as well as others
self acceptance vs. guilt
self acceptance without complaint

Complete = Absolute Empowerment

 Never place anyone or anything
above your own self

7 Steps to Absolute Empowerment ©- Article By: Jean Sheehan,

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Skipping breakfast makes you FAT and STRESSED


The Brekky Dash

·       45% of women working full-time skip breakfast
·       Half of women are turning to snacks to maintain energy levels throughout the day
·       One in three Queensland rely on a quick sugar fix
·       Half of all Queensland women report low energy levels on days they skip breakfast, while one in three suffers from nausea

The research found 16% of women from low-income households ate breakfast at work, whereas that number almost doubled to 30% for those from high-income households.   Work pressures were cited as a key reason for women skipping breakfast, with only 55% of full-time workers managing to squeeze in their morning meal each day.  Almost half of all women report low energy levels on days they skip breakfast, while a quarter suffer from nausea.
Mudjimba chiropractor Paul Lanthois said improving health and lifestyle was the key to create more time for yourself and improve business productivity.
“As a health professional, it astounds me why intelligent, educated people choose to skip doing the basic lifestyle things to improve or maintain their heat… all in the hallucination that it will save them time and that they are too busy,” Dr Lanthois said.
“This constant state of anxiety about how busy we are actually has shown to lower productivity by 13%.  Skipping breakfast also has massive health ramifications, setting tour body up for a range of health ailments and conditions like obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancers.”

Sunshine Coast Sunday paper 25 August 2013-08-25

Thursday, August 22, 2013

We already know this but it's a lifesaver--read it again

Adding sugar to the diet equals not-so-sweet results in mouse study

Adding sugar to the diet equals not-so-sweet results in mouse study
Tuesday, August 20, 2013.
It's in everything from catsup to cornflakes. Americans have been stirring it into their coffee or gulping it down in oversized sodas for decades. We know it can cause cavities and lead to weight gain, but it can't be that bad . . . or can it?
In an article published on August 13, 2013 in the journal Nature Communications, researchers from the University of Utah reveal that a diet providing 25% of its calories from added sugar-- an amount equivalent in humans to three cans of soda per day--doubled the rate of death of female mice and impaired territoriality and reproduction in males.
University of Utah biology professor Wayne K. Potts and his associates fed mice a nutritious control diet or the same diet with 25% of its calories in the form of a mixture of half glucose and half fructose (which is similar to the composition of table sugar) for 26 weeks. Animals caged separately according to gender were given the diets prior to being housed together for 32 weeks in large pens that allowed them to more easily establish territories and compete for mates. Since mice often live in human habitations they "happen to be an excellent mammal to model human dietary issues because they've been living on the same diet as we have ever since the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago," Dr Potts noted.
The researchers observed that females given the higher sugar diet died at a rate that was twice that of the control animals and had a lower reproductive rate by the end of the study. Male mice on the sugary diet controlled 26% less territories and produced 25% fewer offspring. The adverse effects observed in the animals given the sugar-enhanced diet were of the magnitude as that which occurs among the offspring of inbreeding.
The National Research Council recommends that no more than 25 percent of calories in the human diet should be from added sugar. "They don't count what's naturally in an apple, banana, potato or other nonprocessed food," Dr Potts explained. "The dose we selected is consumed by 13 percent to 25 percent of Americans."
"These findings represent the lowest level of sugar consumption shown to adversely affect mammalian health," the authors write. "Clinical defects of fructose/glucose-fed mice were decreased glucose clearance and increased fasting cholesterol."
"This demonstrates the adverse effects of added sugars at human-relevant levels," Dr Potts stated. "I have reduced refined sugar intake and encouraged my family to do the same."

Friday, July 12, 2013

Hypnosis Works! ...and it could be free!

Michael Grassel is now a certified Service Provider for most Private Health Funds in Australia. 
This is a fantastic development for clients, as they only end up paying their gap, if anything. Some programs will be able to be completed with no costs to the client!   Tell your friends and neighbours that it's easy to quit smoking, lose weight, ban anxiety, quit biting fingernails, and get over that nervous tic!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Gastric Virtual Surgery Taken from the net---Actual author not listed.

Hypnosis for Weight Loss and Surgery Gastric Bypass

Hypnosis for Weight Loss vs the Surgery Gastric Bypass Method

 Hypnosis for weight loss can be used as a No Surgery Gastric Bypass, but what is the gastric bypass?

Hypnosis for weight loss and The Gastric Bypass Surgery are different methods to lose weight.
Hypnosis for weight loss (no surgery Gastric Bypass) has not the complications that has the gastric bypass method.
“Please Click the G+ Button Now if You Like this Article about Hypnosis for Weight Loss”
The Complications rates of the surgery method to weight loss: or The overall complication rate of this type of surgery ranges from 7% for laparoscopic procedures to 14.5% for operations through open incisions, during the 30 days following surgery:
1. Complications of abdominal surgery like infection, hemorrhage, hernia, bowel obstruction, venous thrombosis.
2. Complications of Gastric Bypass: fluid from within the gastrointestinal tract can leak into the sterile abdominal cavity and give rise to infection and abscess formation.
3. Leakage of an anastomosis can occur in about 2% of gastric bypass procedures, usually at the stomach-bowel connection.
4. As the anastomosis heals, it forms scar tissue, which naturally tends to shrink (“contract”) over time, making the opening smaller.
Nevertheless there is one method that uses hypnosis for weight loss: Hypnotherapy to loss weight sessions.
This is a great way to avoid all the complications above.
The No Surgery Gastric Bypass or hypnotic Band.
The use of Hypnosis is a revolutionary process that can help people to lose weight, especially when Hypnosis for weight loss vs. No Surgery Gastric Bypass continued..
You lose the weight and keep it off.
This process uses clinical hypnosis to replicate the effects of actual surgical gastric banding, but without the wide array of side effects that the surgery can cause.
The procedure used more often consists in making a session of hypnosis followed by sessions of re-hypnosis.
During the hypnotherapy for weight loss session the brain is ordered to believe the stomach is smaller than it really is and the hypno-pedia sessions are used to reinforce improvements in alimentary habits.
As a consequence, the ingestion of food is limited in a virtual way, which produces as a result loss of weight.
After the process, some reinforcements are made via psychological treatment for the management of anxiety.
The Advantages of the weight loss hypnosis metohd (No Surgery Gastric Bypass-Hypnosis or Gastric “virtual band”) sessions are obvious:
1. Does not require surgery, and hence, there is no physical trauma or need for hospitalization. It is also believed that loss of weight can be experienced from the beginning of treatment.
2. Hypnosis also has reduced costs compared with surgery.
A great Gastric Bypass (No Surgery) By Hypnosis Method should include not only the Hypnosis “surgery” session or the Gastric virtual band.
Also should ensure some personalized sessions (ad person am) after the main session with the hypnotherapist in order to support people who need to lose weight.
Self hypnosis to weight loss could be easier for lose weight and not gain the weight that people have lost.
One the other hand the hypnotherapy for weight loss or  No Surgery Gastric Bypass technique requires great discipline during the hypnosis sessions, also this a very “young” method of using hypnosis for weight loss.
Hypnosis for weight loss is a great technique, in my opinion because is a process that occurs in your head.
Hypnosis for weight loss open your mind into a new world. You’ll not suffered because of the diet.
Changes will take place withing You. You will understand that diet is not a sacrifice.
You will be take from your hand into a trip that will let you to clear your mind and you’ll learn to eat while thinking your are not using the diet.
You will use the hpynosis for weight loss in a way without stress.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Love On The Brain

·       Love on the brain
·       Butterflies in the stomach...The pain of a broken heart...They are staples of romantic fiction. But what does science have to say?

Falling in love is not as simple as it seems, but it is very quick.
Those intense over-powering feelings of being truly, madly, deeply in love are the result of complex and rapid brain activity.
Being in love – or more precisely being in an emotional state of intense longing for union with another, involving chemical, cognitive, and goal-directed behavioural components – is a pretty complicated affair.
According to new research, it's not a basic emotion, as some thought, but a highly complex and businesslike process involving 12 areas of the brain working together to produce and sustain that magic moment. And researchers have discovered that the first brain activity specific to love starts within one fifth of a second of being smitten.
According to a new study, The Neuroimaging of Love, brain regions with decidedly unromantic names, like the dorsolateral middle frontal gyrus and the anterior cingulate, as well chemicals like nerve growth factor, dopamine and oxytocin, are all involved in orchestrating these feelings of love. Some of these areas are those that are also active when people are under the influence of euphoria-inducing drugs – suggesting that falling in love may have a similar effect on the brain as using cocaine.
"Although many emotion theories have included love as a basic emotion, love is more than that," says Dr Stephanie Ortigue who led the study. "Love includes basic emotions and also complex emotions, goal-directed motivations, body image, appraisal and cognition." Passionate love, long the exclusive domain of poets, writers and artists, is increasingly being studied by scientists.
At the heart of the research is functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, a relatively new tool that is used to spot brain activity. The harder an area of the brain works, the greater the amount of oxygen it consumes. The fMRI scan detects the increase in blood flow needed to supply that oxygen. It has been used in a number of areas, from the study of brain disorders to lie detection. By identifying areas of the brain involved in, for example, pain or anxiety it can also help in the development of new therapies that target those areas.
One of the new growth areas is its use in pinpointing areas of the brain involved in particular mental processes, especially emotions and behaviour, including sex drive, and love.
Mapping the course of true love through the brain is not simply an academic exercise. Understanding the brain networks that are activated during love may help clinicians to better understand relationship problems and sexual behaviours. It may, provide doctors, psychologists, and therapists with new treatments for couples suffering from love addiction, love deprivation, or rejection in love.
"The better our understanding of love, the greater our respect for the significance and potency of its role in mental and physical health," says Dr Ortigue.
In fMRI love research, scans are taken of the brains of men and women volunteers after they have been shown visual stimuli related to their partner or loved one. The results are then analysed to see where the action is within the brain. Six fMRI studies have now been carried out on love, involving scans taken of 120 people, and Dr Ortigue and colleagues at Syracuse and Western Virginia universities, and the University Hospital of Geneva, have analysed the results to piece together a love map of the brain.
In one of the experiments, 17 men and women described as being truly, deeply, and madly in love with their partner had their brains scanned while looking at a picture of the partner for 17 seconds. The scans showed that there was increased activity in the caudate nucleus and putamen areas of the brain, which are associated with the brain chemical dopamine and with sensations of euphoria and reward. There was also activity in other dopamine areas, the same regions that are active in people using cocaine.
Increased activity was also seen in the post-erior hippocampus, an area involved in memory and mental associations. There was activity too in areas processing emotions and rewards, but there was a drop in activity in areas associated with anxiety and fear.
Overall, Dr Ortigue's analysis shows that passionate love involves brain areas involved in emotion, motivation, reward, social cognition, attention, and self-representation or body image.
Activity in these areas leads to changes in the levels of a number of chemicals in the besotted brain, including increases in dopamine, oxytocin, adrenaline, vasopressin, and a decrease of serotonin, which results in the classic love symptoms, like obsessively thinking about the beloved, craving for a union with him or her, euphoria, and greater energy.
Dopamine is associated with feelings of euphoria, motivation, motor activity, desire, craving and addiction, while adrenaline heightens an indivual's attention, and boosts short-term memory, hyperactivity, and goal-oriented behaviour. It is also adrenaline which gets the heart racing.
The importance of dopamine has been shown in a number of animal studies. When a female prairie vole was paired with a male, dopamine levels went up 50 per cent. Levels of oxytocin, (the so-called "cuddle hormone", released in response to stimuli including skin-to-skin contact) likewise go up, as do levels of vasopressin, both promoting relationship bonding. When the female vole was injected with a drug that blocks the activity of dopamine, she lost interest in him.
Nerve growth factor of NGF is involved too. Researchers at the University of Pavia in Italy measured blood levels of NGF in 58 men and women who had recently fallen in love, and two control groups. Blood levels of NGF were significantly higher in those who were in love.
The highest levels were seen in men and women who had just fallen in love, compared to those in longer standing relationships. The researchers also found that the higher the levels of NGF, the greater the intensity of the relationship. Both these findings suggest that NGF may be involved in the very early stages of the love.
"Our data demonstrate for the first time that circulating levels of nerve growth factor are elevated among people in love, suggesting an important role for this molecule in the 'social chemistry' of humans," say the researchers.
Researchers at Rutgers University in the US have also looked at romantic love and brain activity. Their view is that romantic love is one of three primary brain systems that evolved in avian and mammalian species to direct reproduction.
The suggestion is that sex drive evolved to motivate individuals to seek a range of mating partners, while attraction and romantic love evolved to motivate them to prefer and pursue specific partners, and attachment evolved to motivate them to remain together long enough to complete parenting responsibilities.
The researchers, who have also carried out work on people rejected in love, say that the power of love is greater than sex drive alone.
Romantic love is evidently stronger than the sex drive, because when one's sexual overtures are rejected, people do not kill themselves or someone else. Instead, abandoned lovers sometimes stalk, commit suicide or homicide or fall into a clinical depression.
The collection of brain areas that are active in passionate or romantic love appear to be unique to that particular kind of love, with research showing that maternal and unconditional love involve other areas.
A study at the University of Montreal into unconditional love shows that brain regions not implicated in romantic and maternal love, including BA 13 and BA 32, were activated.
"As in the case of romantic love and maternal love, the rewarding nature of unconditional love facilitates the creation of strong emotional links between humans. Such robust emotional bonds may critically contribute to the preservation of the human species," say the researchers.
Dr Ortigue and her colleagues believe that there are 12 areas of the brain involved in passionate love – the caudate nucleus/putamen, thalamus, ventral tegmental area, insula, anterior cingulate, posterior hippocampus, occipital, occipito-temporal/fusiform region, angular gyrus/temporo-parietal junction, dorsolateral middle frontal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus, and the precentral gyrus.
But what happens first, what is the trigger for that torrent of cerebral activity? A new study to be published shortly by Dr Ortigue offers some clues. The researchers used a high-density electroencephalogram or EEG to measure the volume of electrical activity among brain cells.
The results reveal that when people were shown names of loved ones, electrical activity was swift. Activity spiked very quickly at a pre-conscious level, or within 200 milliseonds, in one of those 12 separate areas of the brain, the angular gyrus.
This area is involved in the processing of visual images, sounds, language comprehension, metaphors, and bodily self-representation. People with brain damage to this area suffer a number of classic symptoms, including depression, poor memory, frustration, poor relationships, belligerence, difficulty with metaphors, and disorders of bodily self representation.
These tentative results suggest that that the brain responds to the stimulus of the soon-to-adored one in less time that it takes to blink. Romantics, who have long propagated the idea of love at first sight, may have been right after all.
[original author unknown]

Friday, May 31, 2013


Commencing in June, we will commence providing our newly enhanced Regression programs.   Guiding you back to earlier years, formative years to help you understand long forgotten experiences that have had subliminal influences on your life, your perspective, your attitudes and your beliefs.
The second stage of the program is PAST LIFE REGRESSION, guiding your beyond your earlier years to discovery of former lifetime(s) and the memories and lessons brought across to the present.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The earth is  24901 miles in circumference.

One complete spin per 24-hour day

so, people standing still, on the equator

are traveling at a rate of

1038 miles  per hour.

If they were facing east they could put their arms out

like in the Titanic movie and feel the wind in their face

The earth is  90 million miles from the sun

Pi R squared to calculate circumference of circle or orbit

makes 25434 million miles in the orbit

divided by 365.25 days in a complete orbit /year

makes 70 million miles a day  OR

earth traveling at a rate of 2.90 million miles an hour

So here we are, traveling almost 3 million miles an hour, spinning through space
Standing on a planet where we're spinning a thousand miles an hour
and, as exciting as that can be, most humans... right... now... are... watching TV.