Monday, September 30, 2013

Innovation of All Things Starts With the Mind

Innovation of all things starts with the mind

The relationship between the mind and the body is very intimate.  When one is affected, the other sympathizes. A mere thought can significantly alter the chemistry of the body. In fact, many diseases are the result of mental depression. Anxiety, bitterness, discontentment, distrust, grief, remorse, guilt and unforgiveness, all tend to break down the life forces. Under these conditions, creativity and innovation are stifled and solutions are always out of reach.

Disease is sometimes produced and can be greatly aggravated by the imagination. Many who are invalids could be well if they only thought so. Some imagine that every slight exposure or injury will debilitate, and the feared effect is produced because it is expected. Some people die from disease, the cause of which is wholly imaginary.

Now courage, hope, faith, sympathy and love promote health and prolong life.  A contented mind and a cheerful spirit stimulate innovative thought.

Depression can be caused by physical interference such as toxic contamination, structural problems, protein or fatty acid deficiency or consistent violations of the basic laws of health. However, depression is more often the result of unresolved anger where the mind is focused on the thorns rather than the roses around one’s life. Under these conditions the creative part of the brain cannot function. Innovation is impossible.

On the other hand happiness is a state of mind achieved through consistent focus on the roses, rather than the thorns. Happy people see the best in others. They see crises as challenges and they thrive on creating solutions. They appreciate trials because they understand how effective trials can be in developing and refining character.

When these thought processes evolve during he early years of life, they initiate permanent changes in body chemistry. Those who have trained their minds in such a way will experience higher levels of dopamine and serotonin throughout their lives. Dopamine increases motivation, innovation and drive, and is associated with the pleasure systems of the brain. Visionaries, entrepreneurs and philanthropists enjoy consistently high levels of this hormone. Serotonin in a neurotransmitter produced in the brain, know to influence the functioning of the cardiovascular, renal, immune and gastrointestinal systems. It is also known as the ‘happy hormone’ because it affects various brain functions, regulating moods, thoughts, appetite, libido and the sleep/wake cycle. When the mind is trained to produce the thoughts that promote higher levels of dopamine and serotonin, it is not unusual to wake up every morning with new ideas streaming from the head.

Chronic self-focus at an early age can hinder the development of s superior dopamine/serotonin metabolism. However, thought patterns can be changed at any age. Change requires ‘decision’ to permanently adjust one’s focus. It may require moving on, letting go, forgiving, etc. It requires willpower and perseverance. It is like a flabby, unfit person deciding to get fit and build muscle. The first exercises really hurt, but the more training performed, the easier it gets. The mind is like a muscle. When someone who is accustomed to ‘stinking thinking’ decides to change, it is not easy.  The art of positive thinking needs to be deliberately exercised daily until it becomes spontaneous.

If the will is kept awake and properly directed, it will impart energy to the whole system and it will be a tremendous aid in the maintenance of health. It is a power also in dealing with disease. It can control the imagination and be a potent means of resisting and overcoming disease of both mind and body. Every person has the power ‘to will’ to be happy, but the key to true happiness is found in ‘the will’ to bless others. A laugh, an embrace, a kind favour, a prayer, an encouraging word, a warm smile - these all result in the production of endorphins in both the giver and the receiver. This is another chemical that makes one feel good. Endorphins produce a sense of well being by dilating the entire vascular system, increasing oxygen supply to the extreme parts of the body and enhancing the elimination of waste. People who get excited about things usually experience better health, regular creativity and a longer life. It is said that laughter is the best medicine because it stimulates the pituitary gland and promotes high excretions of endorphins.

Anger, bitterness, discontent, guilt and remorse often cause break down of the life forces and cause serious ailments.  Through a series of powerful physical therapies, nurture, emotional counselling and lifestyle education, health can be restored.  With the implementation of firm resolutions to deal with issues and move on, it is indeed possible to change the thought patterns to overcome ‘stinking thinking’, to forgive, to accept, to bless others, and thereby sweeten the entire chemistry of the body. When this happens, innovation becomes a natural daily phenomenon.

By Gary Martin ND.AFIAM

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