Sunday, August 28, 2016

6 Ways to Turn On Your Weight Loss Hormones

6 Ways to Turn On Your Weight Loss Hormones

Weight loss can seem like a confusing puzzle to solve, but with the help of these 6 ways to turn on your weight loss hormones, you’ll be able to solve that riddle in no time. Hormones are responsible for regulating our body weight, and the knowledge of what to do to activate your metabolism for weight loss is right here in this article. Let’s look further at these 6 ways to turn on your weight loss hormones as soon as you are ready.

6 Ways to Turn On Your Weight Loss Hormones

1. Reduce your cravings by eating satisfying foods

Some foods are just more filling and satisfying than others. You will notice this not just by the round fullness of your stomach after eating them, but by how long you feel satisfied or satiated before you have the desire to eat again.
The weight loss hormone responsible for your fullness feeling is called leptin. Sources of protein are excellent ways to nourish your body and also activate leptin to help you feel full longer. Leptin tells the brain that you are no longer hungry and to stop eating.
Researchers in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition say ‘a moderate increase in dietary protein in association with physical activity and an energy-controlled diet may improve the regulation of body weight.’ The study showed that eating protein increased satiety or fullness and helped people to lose fat in the body rather than losing muscle mass.

2. Build muscle mass

The same hormone that is responsible for bulking up body builders is also capable of being a weight loss tool for you. The sex hormone testosterone is present in both men and women, and we can get more of it by weight lifting. In turn, the greater testosterone levels you have, the more weight loss you will see because muscle burns fat.
Lifting enough weight with enough repetitions that you begin to feel muscle soreness or ‘the burn’ is the right amount to see results. Turning on this weight loss hormone may be as easy as lifting a toddler and a car seat throughout the day or carrying the 4 bags of groceries and a gallon of milk from the car to the kitchen.

3. Always eat breakfast

In the morning, you are literally turning on your weight loss hormones by breaking your overnight fast, or break-fast as we call the morning meal. Your body is in a state of fasting while you sleep, and it burns few calories as you process the day’s information as dreams and memories. The body’s heart rate and breathing are slow, which means a slow metabolism while at rest.
To break your body out of the resting phase, jump-start your metabolism with some plant-based protein, vegetarian sources of fat and carbohydrates in the morning. Keep the total calorie count below 800 if possible and keep the carbohydrate portion of the meal small compared to the protein and fat content.

4. Increase your fat burning power while sitting

The weight loss hormones of the thyroid are produced from the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland in your throat. According to a German obesity research on thyroid function, when the thyroid hormones Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) were measured in obese children before and after a weight loss program, they found that a small weight reduction led to a long term decrease in the levels of T3 and T4.
The reduction in the T3 and T4 thyroid hormones led to a more efficient metabolism while resting, which sped up further weight loss. If you can lose as little as 5 pounds, you can turn on your thyroid weight loss hormones to keep the weight loss going.
Related article: 7 Things That Slow Down Your Metabolism

5. Get better sleep

Levels of the weight loss hormone leptin that makes you feel full are also dependent on you getting 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night. When you do not get restful sleep, your leptin levels decrease, so you tend want to overeat to consume more levels of energy to make up for the lack of rest.
Your body reasons that if you are tired, you must need more energy in the form of food and the weight loss hormone leptin is not high enough to tell your brain that you aren’t really that hungry.
Related article: Here’s How You Can Literally Lose Weight In Your Sleep

6. Breathe like a yogi

The yogi practice of focused breathing is something that can help to speed up your metabolism by changing the levels of adrenal weight loss hormones in your body. In a study where researchers asked participants to breathe through a single nostril at a time by closing off the other for 27 respiratory cycles, repeated 4 times a day for one month found that the participants had an increase in resting metabolic oxygen consumption of up to 37%.
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

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