Friday, January 27, 2017

Top Five Questions Left-Handers Ask, #3: Are Left-Handers Smarter and More Creative?

Top Five Questions Left-Handers Ask, #3: Are Left-Handers Smarter and More Creative?

By: , Posted on: November 3, 2016
Recently I gave a talk titled The Mystery of Left-Handedness at Lifeworks an organization in Erie, PA that promotes life-long learning, health and wellness (see  My talk was organized around questions about left-handedness I have been asked repeatedly.
My five questions below represent issues that arise again and again when I talk to left-handers or when I am interviewed by the media about left-handedness.  I will answer each of these five questions in my five-part blog series of the next several weeks.
  1. I write with my left hand but do other things with my right hand.  Is that normal?
  2. Everyone in my family is right-handed but me.  Why? I thought handedness is genetic.
  3. Are left-handers smarter and more creative than right-handers?
  4. If I try to switch writing from my left to my right hand, will I mess up my brain?
  5. Are left-handers better at sports than right-handers?
Response to Question Number 3:
Left-hander news feeds on Facebook indicate that left-handers assume their handedness type endows them with enhanced creative powers.
The origin of the connection between left-handedness and creativity likely arose over the last half of the 20th century when the Modal Model of right vs. left hemisphere function was developed after years of research. According to the Modal Model, the left hemisphere is the language, analytic and sequential processing brain area while the right hemisphere is holistic and deals with spatial processing, emotion and music.  The Modal Model was used as support for the idea of right vs. left hemisphere cognitive styles.  The concept of hemisphere-specific thinking caught on with the public and a plethora of self-help books promised success if a person accessed the unique powers of either the right or the left hemisphere depending on the task at hand.  One of the most famous of these books is Drawing on the right side of the brain first published in 1979 and now in its 4th edition.  The diagram below illustrates the Modal Model.
The Modal Model of Right vs Left Hemisphere Function
The hand movements of left-handers are controlled by the right hemisphere giving left-handers direct access to this holistic and possibly more creative part of the brain…or so the argument goes.  If creative thought is a product of not one but both hemispheres, left-handers still have the advantage because research reports that left-handers show more symmetrical brain activity during the performance of certain tasks than that shown by right-handers.

 Left-handers are more whole-brained than right-handers which offers another potential creativity edge.  Although these seem like two good arguments favoring a creative superiority among left-handers, laboratory studies comparing right- and left-handers on tests of creativity have produced mixed results.

Generally, creativity is studied using tests of divergent thinking.  Research participants may be asked to make unusual connections between items…how many uses can one find for a brick…is an example of one type of divergent thinking test. Participants can also be asked to perform mental improvisations of music as another form of creativity measure.
 Such measures have not produced resounding findings in favor of a left-hander performance advantage when compared to right-handers.  The same is true when left- and right-handers are compared on tests of intelligence.
Intelligence tests usually involve convergent thinking where one right answer, rather than many alternatives, solves the problem at hand.  Large population studies done in Great Britian, Australia and New Zealand over the last 10 years report little differences between the intelligence test scores of right- and left-handers.

In summary, a favorite slogan among left-handers is ‘left-handers are in their right mind.’  While this sentiment is true when it comes to hand movements, it remains questionable when applied to creativity and intelligence differences between right- and left-handers.
Stay tuned for the next articles appearing throughout the end of November for answers to the next questions.

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