Thursday, April 27, 2017

4 Ways to Train Yourself to Be Mentally Toughe

4 Ways to Train Yourself to Be Mentally Tougher

Only you have control over your mind. No one else can think and feel for you, so it’s extremely important to not only be open minded but to be mentally strong. Strengthening your mind isn’t always easy though.
We often let seemingly insignificant, but negative thoughts creep into our heads. These thoughts weaken your mind and close you off to all the wonderful possibilities that life has to offer. Rather than succumbing to this negativity, here are 4 ways you can strengthen your mind:

1) Have Faith in Yourself.

If you go into a situation already thinking you’re going to fail, then chances are that you will. You’re already expecting to be unsuccessful, so what are the chances you’ll actually surprise yourself and succeed? Pretty low.
But when you put yourself into the mindset of, “I can do this” you’re allowing yourself to be more open minded to the possibility of success. Once you do this, you’re setting yourself up to do well in whatever you need to do.
There’s no need to waste time assuming you won’t be good enough or that you can’t accomplish the task at hand. With a little positivity and faith in yourself and your abilities, you’re opening up yourself to the possibility of success.

2) Be Present.

In 2017, we are constantly distracted. Work, family, friends, our phones, when all of these things are combined it’s hard to focus on one thing at a time.
When you’re trying to do it all, chances are you’re going to have a hard time keeping it together and actually doing well. Rather than excelling in one thing at a time, you’re going to be performing poorly in all areas all at once. Being mindful of the present moment that you’re in is an important habit to get into. After all, there’s no time like the present!

3) Imagine a Brighter Future.

When you picture your future, what do you see? Of course, all of us imagine success and happiness. We would all like to know our future is filled with satisfaction and joy. So why not use that picture as motivation? Mentally imagining something has a huge impact on how you perform.
When you’re playing out all the steps in your mind, you’re preparing yourself for what’s to come and what you need to do to reach that level of success you want so badly. Doing this repeatedly can help you get there!

4) Be Nicer to Yourself.

We tend to beat ourselves up more than we should. We are our harshest critics and that can show in our performance, whether that be at work, home, or anywhere else.
This can cause anxiety and stress which only hinder our ability to do well. But when you’re practicing self-love and encouraging yourself in positive ways, you’re removing that stress and fear of failure from your life. When you’re not focussing on all that anxiety, it’s giving you more room to focus on what is really important.

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