Monday, May 1, 2017

The 3-ingredient colon cleansing mixture that will empty your body of toxic waste

The 3-ingredient colon cleansing mixture that will empty your body of toxic waste

Bad digestion is never subtle.
It comes in the form of agonizing stomach cramps and constipation, which is an ailment that no one likes to discuss. Sometimes we don’t even realize our digestion system is aggravated as we experience headaches and fatigue which we attribute to our poor night’s sleep, an oncoming head cold, the weather, the time of day, anything but our colon.
Therefore, many people are suffering from poor digestive health cannot heal because they are looking to fix a throbbing head instead of an impacted bowel.

Signs You Need a Colon Cleanse

These symptoms are a result of unreleased waste causing mucus and bacteria to ferment in the colon, releasing toxins into the bloodstream. Irregular bowel movements also lead to issues with nutrient absorption. (1)

The Apple, Ginger, and Lemon Colon Cleanse

Plan a stay-at-home day to relax with a bathroom available for when the internal cleaning process begins.
Drink this cleansing juice first thing in the morning before you eat anything. Have another cup of this before a light lunch, advisably consisting of steamed vegetables and baked salmon. Drink the beverage a third time midafternoon.
Be sure to consume 6-8 glasses of room-temperature water throughout the day. It’s recommended to slow down the drinking after 5 pm to prevent any midnight bathroom excursions.


  • 1/2 cup of 100% pure organic apple juice – to prevent ailments and maintain optimal health.
  • 2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice – an excellent antioxidant for detoxification and proper digestion.
  • 1 teaspoon ginger juice – to reduce bloating and spur the colon to expel toxins.
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt – to push out bodily waste and stimulates the elimination of bowels.
  • 1/2 cup warm purified water


  1. Pour the warmed water in a glass and stir in the sea salt.
  2. Add the juices, and drink.
  3. This combination will transform your colon!
Experts say to do this cleanse in one day or over maximum a week for best results!
Do not cleanse more than one a week.

Potential Risks

Do not try any type of colon cleanse if you have diabetes due to the natural sugar content in the juices. If you were pregnant, experiencing any disease, suffering from allergies, or on medications, consult with your medical practitioner before attempting this cleanse or other new actions. (2) 

Benefits of the Cleanse

Your digestive system controls a lot more than you think! Only when it is functioning at its optimum can you feel your best. Take a swig of this juice for an improved wellbeing.

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