Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Something extraordinary is happening in the world, and not many people have noticed

Something extraordinary is happening in the world, and not many people have noticed

Most of us haven’t quite realized there’s something extraordinary happening in the world.
We’re so caught up in the demands of daily life, coping with impossible workloads, demanding personal relationships, feelings of alienation and vague constant worry that we seldom pause to question our perspective.
Things are happening too fast, we say. I can’t keep up. Where is it all going to end? There’s so much wrong with the world. But are things so bad? Can you trust your perspective? Is there another perspective? One that says the world is showing signs of positive change.
Here are just five of the many ways the world is getting better that you might not have taken the time to properly consider.
  1. The Internet is creating a global village of informed people
Keeping in mind that the Internet is not in full use across the globe, this most impactful invention has brought many positive changes to our lives.  The Internet gave rise to the Age of Information as people everywhere gain access to kinds of information. Anybody can find out anything, no one needs to be ignorant. In providing a platform for communication, the exchange of information around the globe is fast and continuous. Access to the Internet is showing people that they can improve their conditions, that there are ways to reconcile. It has given a voice to everyone. The Internet has shrunk the world and brought us closer by making others and their circumstances more real through images and videos.
  1. A new de-centralized model is halting unabated consumerism
Disillusionment with consumerism (also fuelled by communication on the Internet) has given rise to the sharing economy exemplified by companies like Air BnB and Uber. These companies and others like them, cut costs of services by allowing individuals to directly provide services without the involvement of a third-party, or even the necessity for a place of business.
The sharing economy has people making money, renting out their homes or cars, hitching rides with others and swapping clothes instead of buying new ones or throwing them away. Renting out cars and hitching rides with others means fewer cars are on the road, so air pollution is also being tackled.
  1. A better work model is emerging
People are fed-up with the existing work model and technology is giving them a way out. The general workforce is overworked and overstressed. Many don’t see the value in the work they’re doing or feel undervalued in their current roles. The brave are quitting their jobs to start out on their own. The sharing economy that makes working space available with access to Wi-Fi and other amenities makes setting up your own office without owning one possible. Online platforms like Upwork and Freelancer provide opportunities for people to work remotely and many companies are now allowing their employees to work some days of the week from home.
  1. We have access to healthy food again
The madness of GMO foods is coming to an end. According to the Organic Trade Association organic food sales  in the US increase by double digits annually, far outstripping the growth rate of the overall food market. Europe is also showing a double digit growth in the organic food market. Farmers markets are becoming popular again and people are streaming to them to buy real food from local farmers.
Growing awareness of what goes into food has led to consumer pressure that has seen fast food companies like McDonalds lose market share. But, don’t’ stress. Fast food is not going away. There are startups looking at ways to provide us with healthy fast food!
  1. We don’t have to be manipulated by mainstream news media anymore
Alternative news media is providing us with news we can trust. Increasingly people interested in knowing what’s really going on, are shunning mainstream news media and turning to alternative news sources. Netizens, suspicious of government sponsored news reports are turning to websites where independent journalists report on issues not covered by mainstream media. This trend has spawned a new wave of investigative journalism that uncovers the truth and publishes it, not edited versions thereof.

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