Friday, March 24, 2017

Drink This To Clean Your Liver and Lose Weight in 72 Hours

Drink This To Clean Your Liver and Lose Weight in 72 Hours

 Let's hope it slowly does the job....

Liver is one of the most important body parts. This is an organ that acts as a security guard of the body & it checks out everything that passes through the body. Out of the hundreds of functions your liver performs, ensuring toxins are safely removed from your blood is one of its most critical jobs. When the organism if full of toxins, the liver can’t perform its functions normally.

In this case the process of losing weight is significantly slower and you gain more and more weight.

Many people are unaware that the liver is highly instrumental in the breakdown of fat. In every respect, the liver is just as essential to weight loss as are the intestines and the stomach. When you cleanse your liver, you help it promote the production of bile, which will in turn assist your body in metabolizing fats.

Consume it for 3 days and clean your liver from any toxins and filth which live inside.
How it is used?

Consume this drink 3 times a day during 3 days. Avoid heavy meals during these 3 days. Eat healthy food in order to ease the process of detoxification of the liver and lose some weight.
– 3 lemons
– 1 cup of cut parsley
– 5 steams celery
– 6 cups water
Put in blender the lemon juice, parsley and celery and mix it, then add water and mix again. Consume 2 glasses, 3 times a day on empty stomach. Repeat the procedure in the next 2 days. Than make a break for 7-10 days and then repeat the treatment.

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