Friday, February 20, 2015

weightloss hints 9---easy ones

Burn an Extra 100 Calories Per Day

Even if your eating habits don't change, burning an extra 100 calories a day can amount to a 10-pound weight loss over a year. While the number of calories burned depends upon your weight, some good activities that burn around 100 calories are:
  • 20 minutes of walking or lawn work
  • 30 minutes of housecleaning
  • 10 minutes of light jogging


Tips for Eating Out

Practice these tips at restaurants to keep portion sizes and calorie counts under control:
  • Split a large dish with a friend and order a salad to fill up on healthy veggies.
  • Order an appetizer or child's plate as a meal.
  • Ask for half the meal to be packed in a take-home bag before you begin eating.




Celebrate your successful changes. Whenever you have implemented a new step in your weight-control plan, give yourself a small (non-food!) reward like time with a friend, a pedicure, or a new accessory. Reward yourself for making a change toward a slimming lifestyle without a complicated or restrictive diet plan.



and an additional beauty & weight loss hint:

Eat Salmon for Smoother Skin

Salmon offers a treasure trove of nutrients for the skin. It's packed with protein, a critical building block of healthy skin. And, along with other fatty fish, it's rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s may help fight wrinkles by keeping the skin plump.  Gives a boost to your self-image: look in the mirror and find more motivation to change,

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