Saturday, November 19, 2016

11 Things Women Do When They’re Truly In Love

11 Things Women Do When They’re Truly In Love

Women tend to be much more in touch with their emotions, and yet, they sometimes keep those emotions close to the chest. They don’t want to give too much away too soon. They are subtle and complex in their signals. Sometimes, guys feel like they have to be mind readers to figure out what is going on inside their women. But, when they are falling in love, they let their guard down and the signs become more obvious.

1. She Cuts Out Other Guys

On the dating scene, it is not uncommon for people to have more than one dating situation going on at one time. But when a woman starts to fall for someone, they cut out those other suitors. They are no longer accepting applications. The position has been filled. Thank you for your interest.

2. She Uses The Royal We

She starts thinking of you two as a couple and refers to you both in conversation as a single unit. She uses the royal we. “We would love to attend” “We brought you a housewarming gift” She starts thinking of you as part of her team.

3. She Makes Plans For You  Both

She starts making plans for you both to do things together. She doesn’t just plan to go away on vacation by herself or with her friends. She plans to go on vacation with you. She plans to go to dinner with you. She assumes that you will want to do those things together. She is thinking of you and her as a team.

4. She Gives Meaningful Gifts

She doesn’t just give you a throwaway gift that anyone could have gotten for you. She puts a lot of thought into what you want, what you like and what you would most enjoy. She listens when you mention that you like a certain band, tv show, style of clothing or sports team. She pays attention to the details and gets you something that fits you perfectly. It is definitely the thought that counts and she is thinking about you.

5. She Finds Your Quirks Endearing

Your friends may joke about your quirks. Your family may find those quirks annoying as hell. But, she loves those weird idiosyncrasies about you. To her, they are what makes you so uniquely you. She falls in love with those little quirks of yours.

6. She Thinks About You All The Time

She can’t stop thinking about you. She gets distracted because she is daydreaming about you and her. She finds it hard to concentrate because you keep popping up in her day-to-day thoughts. She also lets you know she is thinking about you. She will text you or call or email just to let you know that she is thinking about you.

 7. She Acts Silly

She turns into a giddy schoolgirl when you are around. She feels awkward and clumsy. She giggles about things that she normally wouldn’t. It is her love and joy bubbling up from within and she cannot hold it in any longer.

8. She Misses You

Yes, you just saw each other five minutes ago when you walked into the kitchen to heat up that burrito, but she already misses your company. She wants more of your time together. She wants more of that emotional high she is getting from being around you.

9. She Can’t Get Enough

Because being around you is intoxicating to her, she wants to spend a lot of time with you. She is thinking about you all of the time and she misses you intensely when you are gone. She wants to keep that high going, and so, she will be slow to say goodbye. She will linger long after the date is over. She will squeeze as much time as she can out of you before you have to go. She is addicted to you and her growing love.

10. She Is Self-Conscious

She wants to look her best for you. She will take forever getting ready, picking out her clothes, doing her makeup and making sure everything is perfect. She feels super self-conscious because she wants to knock your socks off when you see her.

11. She Tells You How She Feels

The biggest and most stressful thing (for her) is that she tells you how she feels. This is a big step as it makes her very vulnerable to being rejected if you don’t feel the same way. It takes a lot of courage to admit your feelings, but when she is in love, she doesn’t care. She has to tell the world how she feels about you.


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