Saturday, October 30, 2010

WEIGHTLOSS HINTS Try one, try them all. When trying something, keep doing it for a month. It takes 21 days to create a habit. That’s why kickstart and 2-week fad diets don’t work. Remember, you didn’t get the innertube around your middle in two weeks. It took a lot of time and practice to get it there.

Hint 1
·       Sometimes it’s not the weight you should worry about. It’s the shape. Slim & trim, shapely & lean, solid and fit. Most of the time it’s not the weight it’s the fat that’s stored around your body like one of those sumo-wrestler suits.

·       Get yourself a juicer or a blender or a mix-master. Size, shape, colour or brand name doesn’t matter. What matters is you need to put fruit in it every morning and push the button. Make yourself a fruit drink. Buy fresh fruit, whatever is in season. No need to ever make the same combination two days in a row.  Added benefit is that you’re getting real fibre, decent vitamins and minerals, as well as anti-oxidants to boost your overall health: physical and mental.

·       Citrus is good. Fresh squeezed lemon juice in a glass of water before exercising is reputed to stimulate metabolism. Same for fresh squeezed grapefruit juice, and to a lesser extent, orange juice. Better yet, eat a whole grapefruit or whole orange, pulp and all.  Citrus fruits help balance out the PH in your body. Skipping the technical language, I was told: “visualise the citric acid, dissolving fat deposits.” On a personal note, every spring when my grapefruit, orange and mandarin trees have ripe fruit, I manage to automatically lose the 3 or 4 kilos [that I have gained over the winter,] without changing anything other than eating lots of fresh juicy citrus fruits.

·       Beware: some cheap bottled orange juice in the supermarket can be made from artificial flavouring and lots of sugar.  There’s not much of a health benefit from drinking orange flavoured cordial.

·       Good idea: add vegetables to your juice.  You’ve heard of V-8 juice? Hint: it boasts that it contains 8 veggies. You’ve heard of carrot juice, wheatgrass juice, tomato juice.

·       Add a bit of cinnamon to your fruit drink, add a bit of cayenne pepper to your vegetable drink. Both of these spices are reputed to stimulate metabolism. Metabolism is what burns off fat.  Ie if you have slow or low metabolism, your body doesn’t burn off the calories from your food intake. Your body stores the excess calories by changing them into fat…. For later…. And later never comes.

·       Massively important hint: Slowly sip your fresh fruit/fresh vegetable juice, to allow your saliva to mix with it. This helps digestion, so you get the most out of the nutrients in the fruit/vegetables.

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