Saturday, October 30, 2010

WEIGHT LOSS HINTS Try one. Try them all. When trying something, keep doing it for a month. It takes 21 days to create a habit. That’s why kickstart and 2-week fad diets don’t work. Remember, you didn’t get the innertube around your middle in two weeks. It took a lot of time and practice to get it there.

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Hint 6
·       Water.  Drink lots of it.   Aim for 3 litres [quarts] a day. That’s 6 tall glasses. As mentioned previously, drink a big glass of water with a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice every morning to stimulate the metabolism and aid the flushing of toxins and waste products from your body. This is mentioned in lots of ‘Detox’ books.

·       If you’re drinking lots of water throughout the day, you won’t have the urge to grab a sugary coke/pepsi/sprite/sarsaparilla or even worse, a caffeine soda. If you’re drinking water throughout the day, you won’t suffer from the dehydration caused by the air conditioning or heating in the office or workplace. Dehydration can cause, slightly or seriously, muscle cramps, fuzzy thinking, fatigue, increased heart rate, light-headedness, lack of alertness,  nausea, and if it’s really serious, like being stranded in a desert, organ failure, coma and death.

·       Drinking a tall glass or a sports bottle of cool/cold water right before a good workout in the gym or a good run, will cause your metabolism to increase, and burn off more calories.  Much better than room-temperature water. And avoid coffee & tea before exercising.

·       Drinking a big glass of water before a meal will make you feel a bit more full, and you’ll not want to eat as much.  *There are two schools of thought about water in the stomach with food: a) water helps dissolve, breakdown and digest the food, or b) water dilutes your stomach acid which could hinder digestion.  More research coming soon, I’m sure. Will keep you posted.

·       If you drink more water, you’ll sweat more, and more sweat is less smelly than less sweat. It’s a flushing system. If you drink more water, you’ll urinate more, and flush more toxins and waste by-products out of your body.

·       Ladies, if you drink more water, your skin will have less chance to dry out. Or wrinkle. You might save money, buying less moisturising cream. 

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