Saturday, October 30, 2010

WEIGHT LOSS HINTS Try one. Try them all. When trying something, keep doing it for a month. It takes 21 days to create a habit. That’s why kickstart and 2-week fad diets don’t work. Remember, you didn’t get the innertube around your middle in two weeks. It took a lot of time and practice to get it there.

Hint 3
·       Cut down on carbohydrates. Way down. Carbs convert to sugars and if not used as energy for your body, they’re stored as—you guessed it—fat cells.

·       One woman advised that she changed nothing in her life except that she cut out all carbohydrates after lunch. No pastas, no breads, no potatoes or potato products like chips, no starchy foods after 12noon. She thinned down to incredible! The logic was that in the morning, carbohydrates taken in are used for activity throughout the day. But late in the day, carbohydrates aren’t used up, especially after dinner when most people sit. Sit in front of the T.V.

·       Cut down on proteins. A bit of red meat is good for you. Too much sits in the gut and doesn’t digest well. In a culture where dinner has lots of meat, we rub our tummies and have no ambition to move much while our bodies use a lot of resources to try to break down the meat. So we sit. Sit in front of the T.V.

·       Cut down on sugars. Your body will convert sugars to energy if you’re working or exercising. But if you’re not overly active, your body stores the sugars as fat. Sugars, syrups, candy, chocolates, ice creams, etc. all can give you a bit of a sugar-rush. But then you can crash. Do you ever start dragging about the middle of the workday? Do you ever feel you need to just have a nap at 4pm every afternoon.  The fructose in fruits, is slower on the uptake, but longer for endurance energy throughout the day.

·       Substitute a tiny drop of honey in your tea or coffee until you wean yourself from sweets.

·       Substitute carrot sticks or any raw vegetables, apples or any fruit for snacks when you crave candy bars or cookies /biscuits. You can train yourself to go to the fridge for a snack instead of going to the pantry.

·       Recently there has been a lot of research done which indicates that [some? many? most? all?] cancer cells thrive on sugars in the body. Cutting down on the sugars can cut down your risk of getting cancer.

·       Ounce for ounce, dark chocolate has five times as many antioxidants as blueberries. Dark chocolate is a good choice for an occasional dessert. Especially if you mix it with blueberries!

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