Saturday, October 30, 2010

WEIGHT LOSS HINTS Try one. Try them all. When trying something, keep doing it for a month. It takes 21 days to create a habit. That’s why kickstart and 2-week fad diets don’t work. Remember, you didn’t get the innertube around your middle in two weeks. It took a lot of time and practice to get it there.

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Hint 5
·       Read Dr Phil’s book The Ultimate Weight Solution: The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom. It’s pretty straight-forward, no-nonsense, almost home-spun logic. But a lot of his ideas make sense.  It’s also on CD & MP3 if you want to enjoy listening to a good ol’ Texan drawl.

·       Read books and websites on health and weight loss. Pick out any hints that resonate with you. Ignore anything that sounds magical or anything which requires your credit card to learn their “secret.”  In the late ‘80s there was a company selling tablets that were guaranteed to “melt the lbs. away.”  The main ingredient on the label was “citri-paradiso” which I found out quickly was the Latin word for “grapefruit.”  Would’ve been tastier, cheaper and better for her health that the client would’ve bought a month’s supply of real fresh grapefruits.
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