Are you wasting your life without even knowing it? Let’s find out.
We all had dreams when we were children, some more realistic than others, but all attainable with the right amount of sacrifice, dedication and tenacity. Of course, things can get in the way of dreams, but some of us, instead of finding new goals, allow our commitment and determination to fizzle out and tend to settle for the easiest and most comfortable options.It takes a lot of courage to admit to yourself that you need a drastic change or that your life is going in the wrong direction. Sometimes, you need a little guidance to ring those alarm bells and make that change; here are five tell-tale signs you are wasting your life, but won’t admit to it.
1. Wasting time
Ever been on your favourite website, or watching a few episodes of your favourite show, and 1pm silently morphs into 9pm? That is because 24 hours goes by faster than we think. If you are spending the majority of your day doing things that benefit no one, least of all yourself, this is a sign that you are wasting your time. You should aim to get something out of every hour of every day. If you spend all of that time watching TV, surfing the web, and playing video games, what are you actually getting out of life?2. Lack of growth
If you want to know whether or not you are on the right path in life and heading towards fulfilment, ask yourself this question: Am I in the same place I was ten years ago? If the answer is yes, you need to make some changes.Even if you are in a rewarding job, the fact that you have been doing the same thing for such a long time means that you are treading water and your life isn’t going anywhere. If you challenge yourself and try new things, you will prevent boredom, staleness and have the drive to move forward.
3. Happiness
Success can’t truly be measured by wealth or material possessions; real success is being able to undoubtedly proclaim one’s happiness. If you can’t honestly say that you are happy, you are not leading a fulfilled life. The next step is to assess your life, figure out the cause of your unhappiness and make the pertinent changes to improve your situation.4. No future plans
If you are not looking ahead and planning for the future, this essentially means that you have lost hope that anything will change and you have come to terms with being unhappy in your life. New opportunities never fall into our laps, we have to chase them, and we have to create them. If you make a step-by-step plan, you will not only feel good for finally doing something, you will also see that your goals and dreams are well within your reach.5. Lethargy
Often, when you get into a routine, or you decide that your life is, and always will be a certain way, you give up. When this happens, lethargy sets in, and your enthusiasm to change or grow becomes weaker.You need to know that it’s never too late. If you feel uninspired by your current situation, be brave and do everything in your power to change that fact. Find a new passion, re-ignite an old one, just do something to get out of that slump!
If you read this list and saw some parallels with your life, don’t immediately think the worst; this is a resounding positive! If you take an honest look at your situation and take note of some of the steps displayed in this list, you are already on the road to taking full control of your life.
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