Friday, June 2, 2017

Some Of The Deepest Thoughts People Have Had In The Shower.

Some Of The Deepest Thoughts People Have Had In The Shower.

Whether you hop in the shower to start your day or end it, there is no denying it can be a relaxing place. After you finish your cleaning ritual, you may find yourself standing under the warm water when a weird thought pops into your head. However dark or deep that thought may be, everyone has them.
Check out some of these deep thoughts people have had while taking a shower.

1. Why are wedding dresses bought and tuxedos rented? The utility of each is such that it should be the other way around.

2. The world isn't getting dumber. It's just easier for dumb people to get their thoughts heard.

3. What does a golfer do when they retire? Most people retire then take up golf.

4. We live in a world where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.

5. When we want another's thoughts, we say "penny for your thoughts." When we offer up our own, we say "putting my two cents in." We value our own opinion twice as much.

6. Isn't it weird in movies sometimes when there's a fight on top of a truck yet all the cars behind them will be driving like normal like "this is real messed up but I'm not going to be late for work".

7. I am a much better proofreader the moment after I post something than the moment before.

8. I like to think money wouldn't change me; yet when I'm winning Monopoly I'm a terrible person.

10. Wherever a fatal car crash or pedestrian death occurs, a red square with the year of the accident should be permanently included in the pavement. Seeing a lot of red squares in a given location would make drivers and pedestrians more careful.
12. If God created the sun on the fourth day, how had four days passed?

 13. If Google Maps added 5 minutes to every time estimate on directions millions of people would be on time for things.

 14. When you're a kid, staying up late makes you feel like an adult. When you're an adult, staying up late makes you feel like a kid.

 15. You think you're unique until you have to choose a username.

 16. Why don't they ask for I.D at malls for credit cards? It would lower credit card fraud, Disney store does it. Or do banks/stores just not care since they get payed?

20. Most animals don't recognize their own reflection because their brains aren't complex enough. I wonder if humans have observed something which we cannot comprehend or even know we cannot comprehend because our brains lack that complexity.

 21. There's a big bag of deadly acid in the middle of my body and I'm supposed to be totally okay with that.

 22. From a wookie's perspective, Chewbacca is the handsome rogue and Han is the dumb sidekick communicating in animal noises.

 23. The last ten squares on the toilet roll should have "This is NOT enough for the next person!" printed on them.

24. My parents spent the first 18 years of my life telling me how unique and special I was, then spent the rest of my life telling me I am no different than anyone else and to get a job.

 25. When I was a small child, my grandmother showed me love by playing along with my make believe games. Now that she is older and has dementia it is my turn to show love by playing along with hers.

26. I'm flabbergasted at how our education system managed to find a way to turn something as fascinating as history into a boring slog.

 27. Why would anybody buy a bookmark for a dollar when they could use a dollar as a bookmark?

28. People used the cigarette lighter socket to light cigarettes, but now they use it to charge cigarettes.

29. Dog food could say it's any flavor it wants, you're not going to test it.

30. Uber should have a senior discount so elderly people wouldn't have to drive if they feel like they can't drive safely.

 31. Porn and the WWE are essentially the same. Both feature unrealistic representations of humans taking way longer to accomplish something, in which the acting doesn't matter and the more outrageous the personality, the more popular.

32. My first instinct when I see an animal is to say "hello", my first instinct when I see a human is to avoid eye contact and hope it goes away.

33. We live in an age where your last words may be an emoticon.

34. It is widely accepted that you should have another job lined up before quitting your current job. This same concept does not apply to relationships.

35. The person directly in front of you is also the person that is the farthest behind you.

36. Batman only fights crime at night because otherwise he would have weird and obvious tan lines.

37. The drummer of ZZ Top is named Frank Beard. He is the only band member that doesn't have a chest-length beard.

 38. I wish that when my body was fighting an infection it could give me live updates of the casualty count of white blood cells and approximately how many bacteria/virus cells are still remaining.

 38. I wish that when my body was fighting an infection it could give me live updates of the casualty count of white blood cells and approximately how many bacteria/virus cells are still remaining.

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